Your stories: Has it been a year?

June is Cataract Awareness Month, so we’re featuring stories about families dealing with pediatric cataracts.  Thank you so much to Crystal, for sharing her son Grant’s story. You can read more of Crystal’s writing and more about Grant at her blog, Sight Restored. – Ann Z

Has it been a year? A year since I told you about our precious Grant? My goodness, how time flies!

baby boy in glasses for cataracts

A lot has happened in the last year. Here’s a little bit of it:

Grant’s left eye started turning in, and we started patching. It started at two hours a day, and now we are at four. This has truly been a battle. Until about a month ago, he cried almost the entire time he was patched. At our last visit, we learned that he has finally started using that eye! I have been telling anyone and everyone who would listen! It makes all those hours worth it, and has definitely been an answer to prayer!

I’ve thought a lot about genetics. According to our PO, Unilateral Congenital Cataracts (a cataract in one eye present at birth) are almost always not genetic; Bilateral Congenital Cataracts (cataracts in both eyes present at birth) almost always are. According to our PO, the 50/50 statistic is so far proven in our family.

I’ve made a complete 180 with our Optician. I can remember the first day we went into her office like it was yesterday. It didn’t matter who was sitting behind that desk, I didn’t like what they were telling me or showing me, and I didn’t want to be there. Today, we refer to her as “Granny Sue,” and she has truly become a dear friend. I have called her crying more than once.

I’ve had to tell Grant’s story 1,978,572 times. Most days I’m OK with it, but there are times you just want to run in the store to get some milk without having to give the whole spill. I will say this. We aren’t being stopped near as much as we use to. I think everyone locally has already asked.

You want to know the funny thing? Through it all, there are some days I don’t think about cataracts. A year ago I would have never believed that. On the one side, yes, it’s a constant fight for our son’s vision, but for someone looking in we’re just a normal family who carries glasses in our diaper bag!

He is definitely doing well. We’ve even seen him reach up and adjust his glasses several times lately. It might just be the cutest thing.

We still have quite the road ahead of us, but we’re so thankful the Lord has brought us this far! It’s a difficult road to travel, not one we would have chosen. But one thing is for sure, being on this side looking back is a whole lot easier than last year trying to look forward.

One response to “Your stories: Has it been a year?

  1. my son is almost 9 months and had a pupil coloboma they did surgery because his pupil was pulled to the left corner of his eye. we are having a hard time getting him to wear his glasses he broke them, wire frames; thow,. Someone recommened miraflex frames. He also wont let me patch the good eye very well, any tips? Your Boys are sooo cute.


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